It has been a while since my last post and a lot has been going on. I wanted to share the above quote with you because I feel it portrays photography quite well. I have found an old newspaper article that has several TidBits on Photography that I am going to share with you over the next few months. I also wanted to to let everyone know the studio is finally open. YEA!!! It has taken me three years to get this studio and I am so excited. Over the Thanksgiving weekend I had the pleasure of using the Gross Family as my guinea pigs. They were awesome..we got to use the lights I had purchased three years ago from a studio that was closing in Greenfield. I am sure most of you remember SEVEN SEAS. They were great and a lot of help to me in my photography journey and were always there to lend a hand. It was always nice to just go and talk to them about almost anything. I have included tonight some of the shots from Saturday...if anyone needs photos for the Holidays I am running a special and it will be $50 which includes your sitting and about 20 images on a CD with full copyright access..give me a call if you want to schedule...and remember people BELIEVE in Photographs!!